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10 cents off per blade when you sign up for automatic orders.
For additional savings & convenience. If you sign up for automatic orders with Spectrum Supply you will have piece in mind that your blades will arrive on the day you want them. No waiting for backorders, and in the event you need to make a additional order, your order will move to the top of the line. Spectrum Supply will give you 10 cents off every blade. No long-term contracts to sign up for, only a 1-month self renewing agreement. Discount will be 10 cents less than published prices on this website.

* denotes required field

Company Name: *
Purchaser Name: *
Phone Number:*
Shipping Address:*
Shipping Address (line 2):*
Shipping City, State, Zip:*
Bandsaw Blades Type*
Bandsaw Blade Length x Width x Thickness:*
Bandsaw Blade TPI:*
Blade Quantity Per Order:*
Frequency Per Order: *
Delivery Date:
Additional Comments:
(i.e. please start delivery on first week of month)500 characters remaining
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